Work Experience

Work experience is a valuable use of your time at weekends or in holidays. It helps you get an idea as to whether a particular job / career is right for you and see if it lives up to your expectations. 


Spring pod are offering work experience in a multitude of different sectors (from engineering to vetinary to media) over the summer break, which are all free to students within the UK. This is an opportunity not to be missed as some of the industries represented are highly competitive and relevant work experience can be the swinging vote.

Springpod website


It is vital that students who are interested in going into the world of medicine have the right experience that they can use as part of their application process. It is a highly competitive field and the more you can do to get ahead of the game the better chance of a successful application onto a medical degree. 

Education projects, Medical Projects

Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Open University, Psychological Research


Similar to medicine, law is an incredibly competitive field to get into, it will require focus and dedication as well as long working hours, however it can be incredibly rewarding. Gaining experience is a good way to determine whether it is the right option for you and will give you a competitive edge when applying further down the line. 


Pinsent Masons


The STEM industry is one of the fasted growing industries in the UK, with opportunities that cover all aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.  With there being so much variety available it is important that you have a good understanding of the requirements and commitments that would be required. 

Nuffield, research placements

Space careers

Halliday Fraser Munroe, Architecture

Open University, Forensic science and fingerprinting


InvestIN offers a wide range of in person or live online events and experiences to suit a multitude of different industries, ranging from Dentistry to Fashion Design. 

British Airways  

For anyone interested in a career within aviation, BA offer a wide range of opportunities within their fleet, ranging from customer facing through to aircraft engineering and maintenance. 


An career within the trades is becoming more and more popular amongst school leavers, the opportunity to train on the job and take home a wage is highly appealing. There is also a relative high job security if you are passionate and enthusiastic about what you do. Visit the website below to discover the different trades and an introduction to them.

Alison website

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