House System


The four houses reflect the students’ pride in the school, with names taken from the four elements of our school crest: Crowns, Oaks, Swans and Swords. Students have designed the new House Badges. Well done to Nihita (Y11), Charlotte (Y9), Michelle (Y9) and Hetti-Grace (Y8).









Students at The Matthew Arnold School feel a sense of belonging and a sense of responsibility towards themselves and others and our House system is just one way in which we can do this. House competitions throughout the year, ranging from creating themed posters to sporting competitions, have sparked healthy competition and collaboration among students. Looking ahead to the next academic year, we're eager to introduce further enhancements to our house system. 

Students are allocated a House when they join and stay in that House throughout their time at The Matthew Arnold School. They are encouraged to earn points for their House, which is linked to the Epraise rewards system. 


Mr Trendell - House Lead
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Email Mr Trendell








Extra Curricular Clubs


Spring Art Competition

Open to: All year groups

Deadline for entries: 27th March 2023

The Matthew arnold presents

Winter Photography Competition

Winter Photography Comp




Christmas Card Art Competition


Christmas Card comp

Useful links

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